Editing and setting up a Viewing Room

Once created, you can edit a Viewing Room and modify additional characteristics such as show artwork ID, attach PDF, etc. There are two ways to edit a Viewing Room:

  • Showrooms > Showroom file > Summary > 'Edit' button (pencil) 
  • Showrooms > 'Edit' button (pencil)
Modifying the design of an Online Viewing Room
Adding more artworks to an Online Viewing Room
Modifying the presentation order of the artworks in an Online Viewing Room
Setting up an Online Viewing Room in different languages
Setting up the visibility of an Online Viewing Room

Modifying the design of an Online Viewing Room

  1. Under 'Showrooms', click on the showroom's 'Edition' button you would like to modify
  2. In the field 'Theme', select the design you prefer: Minimal, Square or Two Columns
  3. Lastly, click on 'Save showroom'.

Adding more artworks to an Online Viewing Room

  1. Under 'Showrooms', click on the name of the showroom you want to modify
  2. Within the 'Artworks' tab, make use of the searching bar to look up those artworks you want to add
  3. Select as many artworks as you need to and click on '+ Add artwork'.

Modifying the presentation order of the artworks in an Online Viewing Room

  1. Once created your Online Viewing Room, get into it for making any modification.
  2. Within the 'Artworks' tab, place the cursor over the artwork whose presentation order you want to change
  3. Click on the artwork and drag it to the new position.

Setting up an Online Viewing Room in different languages

  1. Create a Viewing Room and enter the information in the system's native language
  2. Under 'Showrooms', click on the 'Edit' button, which is pencil-shaped, of the showroom you want to modify
  3. Select the new language in which you want to record the information from the drop-down menu 'Select a language'
  4. Lastly, fill the form in the new language and click on 'Save showroom'*
  5. When sharing your Viewing Room, remember to access the 'Summary' tab of the showroom and choose the language from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. This way, the link will be updated automatically. If there is no data in the chosen language, the default language will be displayed.

* Remember that when you select the new language the system by default will launch the message 'there is no data in the selected language for this item'.

Setting up the visibility of an Online Viewing Room

  1. Under 'Showrooms', go into New/Edit showroom
  2. In the 'Private' field, select 'Yes'
  3. Write down the password that will be needed for your collectors to access your Viewing Room.*

* Remember sharing the password with your contacts so that they are able to access your Viewing Room.

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