Recording information in different languages

ITGallery allows you to record information related to your artists, artworks and exhibitions in different languages without duplicating data.*

Registering your information in different languages will be helpful to, for instance, share it with collectors of different nationalities, synchronize it with your multilingual website, facilitate access to the system for users who speak other languages, etc.
* Note: your ITGallery account is configured by default in a specific language that will coincide with the information upload; however, this will not prevent you from saving the same information in multiple languages. To do this, follow the steps described below.
For doing so:
  1. Create an artist, create an artwork or create an exhibition and record the information in the mother tongue of the system
  2. Within the corresponding module, click on the 'Edition' button, which is pencil-shaped, of the element you want to modify
  3. Select the new language in which you wish to record the information from the 'Select a language' drop-down menu
  4. Finally, fill out the form in the new language and click 'Save data'.**
**Remember that when you select the new language, the system, by default, will launch the message 'there is no data in the selected language for this element'.

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