Sales statuses

'Sales status' is a field (in the list of 'Sales') that informs about the status of the process related to the sale of a work:

  1. Outstanding
  2. Paid
  3. Partially paid
  4. Cancelled
  5. Returned
  6. Reserved paid
  7. Reserve cancelled
  8. Sold in Showroom
  9. Reserved in Showroom
  10. No info

States are associated with a colour to make it easier to identify them. By default, when recording a sale, it will appear as 'Outstanding', with a yellow tag. Once payment has been registered, the status will automatically change to 'Partially paid', with a blue tag. You can also edit manually the status of a sale.

How can I modify a sales status?*

  1. Under the 'Sales' module, within the list, select the sale(s) whose status you want to modify, by checking the white box
  2. In the 'Tools' button that is located in the upper right corner, click on 'Change status'
  3. Select from the pulldown menu the new status that you want
  4. Lastly, click on 'Save'.
* Remember that when  registering payments within a sale , the status of this will change automatically.

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