Artworks' labels

ITGallery allows you to create and print all the labels that are part of your exhibition.

  1. Under the 'Exhibitions' module, go into the exhibition's file by clicking on the exhibition's name whose labels you want to obtain
  2. Inside the exhibition's file, in the 'Summary' tab, click on 'Work labels'
  3. Fill the form with the information relative to the labels
    • Choose one of the following label sizes:

      - APLI-01279 (2x4 I 105x74mm)

      - APLI-01287 (2x8 I 105x35mm)

      - APLI-01795 (2x7 I 105x42.4mm)

      - AVERY 5163 (2x5)

      - AVERY 5660 (1"x2-5/8")

      - AVERY 3652 (70mm x 42.3mm)

      - AVERY 3474 (3x8 I 70mm x 37mm)

    • If it's an artwork with editions, select those editions whose labels you want to print
  4. Lastly, click on 'Print' to generate the PDF document.*

* Tip: select the option ' Show QR code ' in the form to generate a code linked to each of your artworks. This way, you will be able to offer information in a different way to your public, facilitate the identification of your artwork once it's packed, etc.

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