What is the 'multiple locations' function?

Multiple locations allows you to configure different locations for those galleries with more than one venue.

By activating this option you can select the different modules that will be synchronized between venues:

  • Artists
  • Artworks
  • Locations
  • Sales
  • Offers
  • Contacts

Depending on your needs, you can configure those modules that adapt to them, for example, you can share the 'Artists and Artworks' inventory, but keep separate for each location 'Contacts, 'Sales' and 'Offers'.

Regardless of what you choose about the synchronization of your modules, your Dashboard will be unique for each venue.

Does this feature have an additional cost?

You can implement the multiple location function without any cost with your Unlimited license or at an extra cost for the rest of the licenses. To obtain a quotation, please write to us at support@itgalleryapp.com with your request.

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