Generating a sales report
ITGallery allows you to generate reports of your sales so that you keep track of them.
These reports are generated in Excel documents and contain all the information related to your sales: artwork, sale date, invoice number, artwork ID, price, sale subtotal, discounts, taxes, sale total, currency, customer, country, payment date and status, among others.
- Under the 'Sales' module, within the list, select the sale or sales for which you want to obtain a report. To do this, check the white boxes*
- Click on the 'Tools' button at the top right
- Lastly, select the option 'Export to Excel'.**
*Tip: check the first white box (the one above all the others) to select all sales at once.
**Tip: make use of the 'Advanced Search' to filter by periods, artwork or artists and thus obtain more accurate reports.