What is the 'Ask data' function?
- The 'Ask data' function allows you to compile information of potential clients who are interested in visiting your Online Viewing Room.
- Yes. For doing so, it's necessary that when creating the Viewing Room you select the 'Ask data' option.
- Afterwards, you can check the number of people that have accessed your Viewing Room in the 'Visits' tab of your showroom.
- Every access to your Online Viewing Room will become a new contact with the data of the person who has visited it, indicating 'Prospect' under 'Type of contact', and 'Showroom' under the 'Origin' field. You can check all this data, clicking on the contact's name within the 'Visits' tab.

* Remember: ITGallery will only record a new contact if it is not previously saved in your account within the 'Contacts' module.