Recording payments made to my artists

The 'Sales' tab in the artists' module allows you to keep track of the sales directly related to that artist. You can check the status of the payments made to that artist as well as the artist total profit. 

How can I record the artist's percentage benefit?

There are two ways of recording the benefit that our artist gets per each artwork sold:

  • When creating an artwork, complete the field 'Artist amount', entering the corresponding artwork's percentage or a fixed amount.
  • When recording a sale, at the moment of adding artwork, edit the field 'Artist amount'.

How can I record a payment made by the gallery to an artist?
  1. Go to the artist's file by clicking on his/her name in the artists' list
  2. In the 'Sales' tab, place the cursor over the sale that interests you and click on the 'Payments' button on the right side
  3. Click on 'New payment'
  4. Lastly, complete the form with the artist's payment data and click on 'Save'. Remember that fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.*

* Remember that by clicking on 'Edit' button, that is the pencil-shaped icon, you can modify the quantity associated to payment and the payment status.

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